Joining our club...

Thank you for your interest in the St. John’s Legends Swim Club! 

We are a year round competive swim club for swimmers from 6 to 18, as well as off season varsity swimmers, ranging from our entry level Lil Legends Swim School to national qualified swimmers. We welcome all transferring or new swimmers who are interested in joining us to reach out to schedule a Legends Tryout! 

Any prospective swimmer looking to join the St. John's Legends Swim Club must complete a tryout. This will allow our coaches to evaluate the swimmers skills for appropriate placement within the clubs training levels.

Interested families can book their tryouts in advance by contacting Team Manager Christopher at for to arrange the tryout. Tryouts are held at various times throughout the year based on avilable space in our programming. 

To help speed up the process please include your swimmers' name, age, and their most recent swim experience (e.g. lesson level, team, competition level, etc). 

Join now and become a Legend!