The primary purpose of Learn to Swim programs (Lessons) are to teach swimmers how to be safe in the water and become efficient enough to be able to safely enjoy water activities. On a swim team, swimmers learn to become strong, confident, efficient swimmers through a program that offeres increased participation through repeated practice and a coached teaching method. Our long-term objective for our swimmers is to gain the skills necessary for better efficiency in the water and while we still maintain a focus on stroke technique we do so as an important part of obtaining efficiency in the strokes. This differs from a lessons-based approach, where each level comes with a checklist that is meant to be delivered in 8-week to 10-week blocks. The swim team experience is to continuously develop the swimmers’ skills with a season long (Sept to June) perspective in mind.
In Lessons instructors get typically get in the water to instruct the swimmers in basic skills of floatation and movement where our coaches lead their trainning sessions from the deck, guiding swimmers through drills and activities to build strength, endurance, and mechanics related to speed.
The OnDeck Mobile application is a product of TeamUnify and only works with teams using the TeamUnify web based team management software. The Legends use the PoolQ platform instead which is a mobile friendly site than can be viewed via the web browser on your mobile device.